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Chroniques Coffrets

March of the Flower Children - American sounds of 1967 Compilation
March of the Flower Children - American sounds of 1967
Note: 8.0
Acid Flowers  1967  Coffret 3 CD

The man in the bowler hat Stackridge
The man in the bowler hat
Note: 5.0
Rock Angleterre 1973-1974  Coffret 2 CD

Dream big Burt Bacharach
Dream big
Note: 8.5
Divers Angleterre 1952-1962  Coffret 4 CD

Echoes of Spain - From Segovia and Sabicas to Miles Davis and John Coltrane Compilation
Echoes of Spain - From Segovia and Sabicas to Miles Davis and John Coltrane
Note: 7.0
Classique  1950-1985  Coffret 3 CD

We can work it out - Covers of the Beatles 1962-1966 Compilation
We can work it out - Covers of the Beatles 1962-1966
Note: 7.5
Rock  1962-1966  Coffret 3 CD

The Clarion Set - The story of australian independant label Clarion 1965-1974 Compilation
The Clarion Set - The story of australian independant label Clarion 1965-1974
Note: 8.0
Rock  1965-1974  Coffret 3 CD

Go Back - The Crabby Appleton Anthology Crabby Appleton
Go Back - The Crabby Appleton Anthology
Note: 9.0
Rock Etats-Unis 1970-1971  Coffret 2 CD

Archives - Volume 3 The Asylum years (1972-1975) Joni Mitchell
Archives - Volume 3 The Asylum years (1972-1975)
Note: 10.0
Folk Etats-Unis 1972-1975  Coffret 5 CD

Reaching for the sun - The Major Minor Anthology 1967-1969 David McWilliams
Reaching for the sun - The Major Minor Anthology 1967-1969
Note: 6.0
Rock Irlande 1967-1969  Coffret 2 CD

No shame - The complete RecordingsThe Monks (Uk)
No shame - The complete Recordings
Note: 5.0
Rock Angleterre 1979-1981  Coffret 2 CD